Music: Rare Earth I just want to Celebrate
I am the most dangerous man in
America. You can call me “free thinker”. What does this political aberration believe? Don’t worry… it’s some pretty Radical
stuff. Crazy ideas like ALL men are
created equal. That they have been
endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Radical… I know. The clever eye
might say ohh look he only said men, he must be sexist. To them, I would merely say… grow up. Oh, another clever eye might notice that I
said nothing about government giving us our rights. Bingo bird.
The government gives absolutely no rights. It only serves to limit them. You are responsible for you. But guess what… this same YOU is also responsible
for YOUR neighbor. I know. Crazy talk
So in my crazy world view where
does the power come from, if not the government? To them I would say look at the little word
inside of power. It’s a small word. You may not even notice it. WE.
That’s right We. Who is this we? ‘We the people’ of course. To me, my ‘we’, are a precious group of
people I call my friends.
Some of my friends are
Democrats. I am not a Democrat, but that’s
I am a free thinker
Some of my friends are
Republicans. I am not a Republican, but
that’s okay...
I am a free thinker.
Some of my friends are butchers,
bakers, candlestick makers.
The wretched, the righteous, the
sinners and saints.
I still love them all without
And that’s okay…
I’m a free thinker.
Defiant fist
Cavalier grin
Worn out tools
Will build all again
The sun
Will continue to rise
Never let YOUR power
Leave your eyes