Annie Lennox: Little Bird remix
The breaking dawn
Shocked from slumber
A little bird
To meet
The horizons
Soft seduction
Gentle light
Peeled back
Earth’s night cold
From the shaded hall
Elegance emerged
Followed by a question
“Do I look pretty?”
Knowing full well
That the grace of her eyes
Cheeks soft shine
Would tell
Where words would only be
Cheap reflections of
The essence
Her laugh
Gentle caress on my ear
Her touch
The pulling near
So the whisper
Do I look pretty?
Could be heard
The turn to follow
White robe
Loose tie
The hint of her thigh
And the side
Of a beckoning slide
Waiting for the touch
The soft trace
Furtive embrace
Her laugh
Even messed
Morning hair looked
As if not a single strain
Was out of place
The warmth of her spirit
Flooded the room
I move close to place
The tender morning kiss
On accepting lips
Before her hands gentle press
Met the smiling eyes question
“Do I look pretty?”
Knowing full well
My honest reply
“C’est belle”