Saturday, August 3, 2013

She is a Gazelle

Music: Van Morrison- Into the Mystic

She is a gazelle

How I long to run with her
If only for a moment
Muscular legs contained a power
At any moment
Ready to run
To life
Ready to dance
To life
Ready to embrace
To life 

Her chest 
Reflected spirit 
Proud, firm 
Yet soft 
Standing challenge 
Containing an indescribable Joy 
Diminutive jiggle 
Weighted bounce 

Her face
Jaw strong
Cheeks firm
Her lips
As her hips

Gentle jumping 
In elegant movement 

Her face 
Priceless eyes 
Sparkle hope 
Full of faith 
But with her gentle cry 
Savage, sweet, strong 
Plays eloquent song 
Rhythm perfect 
Wit ferocious 
Beauty savage 
As she dances 
In the darkness 
The children of the moon 

Would share 
Hidden touch 
Gentle caress 
In the care 
Of the light 
Earth’s distant love 
Forever distant
In a moment of movement 
The two would share 
Gentle rising touch 
While heat slowly built 
Gentle contact of lips upon the neck 
To begin an inflamed caress of their own 
And begin a furious conversation 
Upon the lips of the other 

And the gazelle’s would run fierce 
If only for a moment 
Under the light of the moon
Forever distant