Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I lost my mind

City of Angels Peter Gabriel: I grieve

Dreams.  You remember those?  Some ever flow and ever change.  They can adapt.  Then there are those of another fashion.  The piercing dreams that lie in the subconscious while our conscious lies to us.  One continually strives to bask in the sun while the other… well… it casts doubt on our power, shunning our truth as it prefers the comfort of darkness.  Perhaps driven by shame, perhaps motivated by fear it turns deaf ears to the visions desperate cry of life.   Or is it the other way around?

It matters little.

I lost my mind a few weeks ago. 

Don’t worry, I had lost my mind before, twice to be exact.  I have this thing.  My brain has two occupants within the same house.  One is a hopeless romantic forever breathing life.  The other is a cynic filled with his cold calculations.  Maybe it’s a Gemini thing, maybe it’s an Andy thing, or maybe it’s just a human thing.  Who knows?

It matters little.

All I know is that a house divided against itself cannot stand.  The first two crashes were complete: Catatonic.   The fist break came after two years that cold unsympathetic one known as reality.  Memory of her words, her laughter, her eyes, the trace, the promise served as a cloak I used to wrap myself.  A protected refuge to serve against that heartless shrew known as reality.  Her sharp tiny teeth ready and eager to nibble away at your dreams until the tapestry is little more than ruined rags.  Evidences against my created world would be refuted with a laugh—a smile.  Like a hopeful yet crippled pilgrim at Lourdes desperate to be hoisted into the healing waters one last time, or the child at Christmas  who had so longed for a gift that was so precious he told no one.  He hoped that it would show.  He believed it would show.  Santa would know… Santa would know… but the gift never showed up. 

It matters little.

Anyway, the first time the delusion and grandeur of the dream world had grown too great.  It was a contradiction of her own words that brought the crash about.  It would have had to have been this way.  It would have had to have come from her mouth:  I probably would have made an excuse for it anyway else.  With the hanging of the phone the crashing of my mind had begun.  I don’t know if it was due to the rush of all rising and racing, or the fact that so much was clouded in the collapse, my brain only allowed tunnel vision.  A method of survival no doubt as my brain only allowed me to think of the next step.  That was all.  But I had to see her, perhaps to seek an answer, perhaps so that she could twist the plunge in person.  Well I saw her, she was socked… and I was informed that she had other things to do.  After a pathetic plea for one last kiss, and before my world went black, I discovered that the dry staked soil voraciously soaks up blood pouring fresh from an obliterated heart.  Or was it from the obliterated mind?

It matters little.

The second time I had grown, and so had she.  As both knew that some wounds never heal, initial steps were cautious.  Rejoicing in a resumed friendship they pretended not to notice how their hearts were made complete.  And they were happy,.  Well that is until the vicious shrew known only as reality showed that all was impossible.  Yet perhaps because I am a Scot, maybe because I’m Texan, or mainly… because I am me, there is no challenge I love more than impossible.  Impossible is only an opinion, an option that I could not, would not take.  She brought me light, she brought me life, she made me young again… or was it whole again… ahh well…

It matters little.

Most important she gave me my voice.  Like a Don Juan I wrote.  Narratives, stories, poems, anything to woo her.  And it worked.  Or at least she was kind enough to let me think it worked.  That was all well and good, because regardless of which, I wrote.  She read.  The pen would move and hearts would swoon.  But, as before, it was brought to an end.  This time were the words “I want to be your friend” and I believed.  I think she was being honest, but who knows…
It matters little.

So I continued to write.  Either stories, or narratives.  By the way… the self-serving mirth mired narratives were horrid.  Okay… well really they were good.  Combined with passion and talent, works lamenting a lost past or a dying devotion that are usually the handiwork of beginning authors and poets were honed to a perfection.  I could move hearts with my work.  I even moved hers.  I continued to hold out hope that she would be true and that we might remain friends.    Well, then I had a talk with her.  In a last moment of transparency with me I heard th soft sigh of a piece of her dying as she told me goodbye.  I should have left it at that… but I didn’t.

Anyway… it matters little.

 The second time I went crazy was when I saw her in a car with another guy.  Or it could have been the time I was totally unsuspecting to see her that I saw the sharp angles of her face half hidden in light, half in shadow.  That is when I turned mainly to poetry.  I felt the narratives had little to offer.  The loathing self-drudgery created in the hoping to catch glimpse of a nirvana.  Causes laid out in the hopes that she might provide a cure.  Simple formula.

Don’t believe me?  All you have to do is try to stare at the slight upturn of the pale bloodless thin lipped Jim Jones.  His eyes hidden behind the thick black lenses of shades, he watched his believers listen to his plea and despite the collapse of their children still cast adoring looks.  Standing on ground already strewn with empty stained paper cups, they took partook of the Guyana Kool-Aid.  They provided him a narrative and he… well he had provided them with an answer.

But perhaps this isn’t a good analogy.  But the narratives stuck one in the past.  I wanted the dreams of the future not merely to trod on the bones of dead men again and again.  So where to turn…  Poetry!    Poetry is a good form as the author can say his truth in such a way as to generalize it to an emotion all can see, or so obscure it that he can grin like a mad hatter.  But I was good.  Though I may have been only writing to a shadow while I cast my messages in a bottle to a seething sea in the hopes that they might find their intended audience.  Maybe she read them.  Maybe she didn’t.

It matters little. 

Anyway, to get back to the story…Tuesday two weeks ago was when I went mad.  While maybe in the past I could blame it on her…  this one was different.  I knew it was me, but I didn’t know what was the cause of my malady.  I couldn’t understand it.  I had a good talk with her, I had done nothing but listen to her.  I had had no expectations.  I was glad to have her back as a friend.  But then… I spoke with another friend later that day.  He did what I do, what some others do, heck it’s what made Columbo famous apparently in his 70’s series.  That whole trick of keeping the most important thing until the very end of the conversation… “Oh and one more thing.”  With us it was aobut her.  A slight revelation in a passing phrase where I picked up that she was doing to him the same exact thing she had done to me.

It matters little.

As Sunday passed into Monday my mental sky became more overcast.  My mind became clouded.  My body became clumsy and erratic.  My emotions became dense and confused.  At first I had no idea what was going on and it scared the heck out of me.    I was in the middle of a book and I couldn’t follow the story or think clearly of anything is when I realized that I was losing my mind.  Well when I realized that, I knew I still had some of my mind left, so I had better think of what was provoking my madness.  It is when I realized that my subconscious was desperate in its struggle against the advancing offensive of my conscious.  She hurt, just as I.  She felt, just as I.  She was merely playing her game.  For her it seemed the elation of reconnection would slowly be overcome by the guilt of her new acceptance until the outsider was cast out.  Perhaps that is all I had been, or perhaps I had been too true.  In the end we are two desperate to avoid talking about the elephant in the room that prevents any semblance of seeing me seeing her as her and she seeing me as me.

It matters little.

For in the end, she gave me my words, she gave me passion, she made my heart whole, and she gave me love.

And that matters a lot.

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Burning Kiss

Flight Facilities: Crave you

My fair
Daughter of the moon
Stood waiting
Her brown eyes beauty
Color contained
The life energy of the sun
Waiting strained
Desperate for release

In the clearing
She allowed
The silver light
To trickle down
Her form
In the half light
Her firm form
Waiting strained
Desperate for release

She turned
She spoke
Her thoughts
Quick fierce
When joined with the power
Of soft ripe lips
Waiting strained
Desperate for release

My tracing touch
Across her skin supple smooth
Cinnamon tan which
Burned at the slightest contact
One hand caressed her arm
The other pulled her hips
To mine
Waiting strained
Desperate for release

The twilight could not hide
The light that shone fierce
From the friction
Whose light
Shamed the stars in heaven
With the pure glory of
Waiting strained
Desperate for release

In an unspoken language
Of passion
Tounges spoke
Each to each
As his lips moved down
Her neck
Her shoulders
The soft move of cloth
A trace
Called life


Waiting strained

A gentle caress


The burning kiss

Desperate for release

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Icarus flew

               Before another word is read, must be remembered: Icarus flew.  Soaring high on hobbled wings he was free.  As the labyrinth walls receded in the distance, Icarus was free. The sun shone seemingly for him alone.  He was free.  Then the crowd would tell you that something wrong happened.  Perhaps he was too young, perhaps he was too shocked by the joy mingled with danger, or perhaps he was simply too free… as if that is possible.  But that’s what they would have told you—the sycophantic cynics.

  They would criticize.  They would point out that he flew too high.  That’s what people say.  His death is sure.  They would say with a disguised glee, camouflaged behind concerned faces.  It is his fault, called it upon himself—they might dismiss as they turned their backs.  As Icarus plunged back to the earth, these naysayers were the ones who were too busy consoling Daedalus at his loss to pay attention to the outcast Icarus.  He had committed the biggest sin of all—he had refused to succumb for mediocrity and instead strove for excellence.    

Icarus in his plunge to the earth was still drunk.  The sensation of the wind billowing, buffeting, racing past his flesh.  The feedom!  By god he was free!  He had flown.  He had soared.  Racing, raging far above those who never even dared to step out of their own front doors.  He had shot above the world and soared above the rest.  Defiant shout, defiant pride.  The ground raced towards him.  He met what he knew would be a crushing collision with a laughing grimace.  His barbaric yawp resounded ferocious.  If he was to die, he would make a go of it.  Icarus had Flown!

   In the collision he almost died.  Almost.  In the raspy breathing of collapsed lungs Icarus had no time to focus on his pain:  he had touched the sun—He had flown.  His body torn and bloodied, fought against each and every movement.  Broken arms would mend.  Broken wings would be rebuilt.  With all his strength he struck the blows of hammer to anvil.  Tinsel steel would be used to reinforce.  Faltering flights were undertaken.  Others might laugh.  Others might scoff.  Icarus could not focus on the naysayers… he had tasted flight.  The glory of his creation would not be used to shield from the scoffers… but to soar.  He knew freedom.  He would reach.  He would attain.  He would fly again.  He knew no other way.

Muscles grew strong as wings grew light.  The two became one.  He walked to the edge of the cliff.  He had waited too long.  The call of the sky was in his blood.  It had beckoned so strong.  He would risk.  Although all too familiar with the pain, some of which lingered still, he knew he had to risk.  He was ready to live so he was ready to die.  He began to run towards the precipice. In his rushing steps he heard the crashing of the waves below the cliff.  His heart knew fear, but he would not allow it to be his master.  If anything he only ran faster as if in defiance.  With a grunt he sped past the point of stopping.  At the cliff’s edge, he leapt.

And it must be remembered:  Icarus flew.  I hold his legacy.  Icarus flew.  Icarus flew, and he flies still.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

As she studied the stars

One Republic Counting Stars

The night belonged to them.  They had that.  As she studied the stars, I also examined a celestial body.  Her hair, delicate soft, flowed as gentle as the astral either of the most beautiful nebulae.  Following the flow, my eyes were drawn to her shoulders supple as the rounded formations of the distant Mars.  This was so sharp in contrast to her a jaw carved from the strongest bite in an fallen meteorite.  Her lips reflected Mercury in the rapid quick capture could carry the ambrosia of the gods, or they could remain a silent sentinel burning hot with the heat of the sun.  The fast furious light from her eyes captured the death and birth of ten thousand suns.  The tension of the teetering explosions only briefly held in check just as her passions.  Like a comet, she forever faced the sun letting the glory of her tail flow behind. 

Then she looked at me.

Suddenly, a new study arose.  Her smile, her eyes, were now gazing calling life into my soul.  In our movements slight towards the other the eye of Jupiter became the unspoken.   A tumultuous tempest that had raged burning red for centuries in the skies—this storm.  Forever it waited, waiting—just moments from the point.  Crying for release it waited, though it could feel it’s grip slipping fast.  The lightning was ready to race across the sky.  Only waiting for the moment… that explosive moment of contact.  With a gentle brush against her cheek and my pressing in… the planets had aligned and with a kiss... the harmonic convergence began.        

Monday, January 20, 2014

"I never thanked her for the coffee"

“Any sweetener?”  she asked, as she passed the warm mug into his hand.  Her round cheeks complimented the smile that lived in her eyes.  “No thanks,” he said as his eyes watched her quick rotation to his side of the island.  Their eyes met in silent communication and he could not help but grin—and she, conversely, smirked.  Steps were to be taken for a return to the commonplace while holding on to a trace of what had happened moments before.  Clutching her white stripped bathrobe tighter, she briefly broke the simmering stare to look at the top of the refrigerator.

Perhaps the abruptness of the break, or his longing to stare into her eyes again prompted him to blurt, “What ‘cha looking at?”  Did it work?  Well, within moments, her eyes smiling returned, “You sure you don’t want breakfast?”   “No,”  he laughed as his hand came down on her robe covered thigh.  “You sure?” came her questioning pause.  Returning his hand to his coffee, he replaced one soft simmering warmth with merely another.  Though he always preferred the human connection, her coffee would have to suffice as a subtle substitute. 

In the remains of the short time together found the two in conversations.  Fluidly words flowed effortlessly into laughter.  They spoke of everything, they spoke of power, but most important they spoke of each other.  Though different in so many ways, they knew that in the other, they were totally accepted.  A group of two that could be a circle of scholars, or a confederacy of dunces—it mattered not. 

Then the inevitable came.  The outside world could wait no longer.  She took him to the door, still clad in her robe.  A hug, a press, a closing of her door.  It wasn’t until he got to his car that he remembered, “I never thanked her for the coffee.”  Looking back he smiled, he knew he would thank her when he saw her again.      

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The garden dance

Afro Celt Sound System: Release

While the face of the moon shone smiling light
Dark side hid mysteries no one could fight
The garden was prepared
But the boy was tired
He had held far too long the belief that he could catch a glimpse
Of the fabled garden dance
Though he fought
His eyes grew heavy


Under the orange red hue licking flames of short stubbed candles struggled
To capture in perfect hue the gypsy girl fairies
Who moved much too fast
In pirouettes soft
To disturb even the most delicate of daffodils
Saffron swayed 
As the shadows lengthened

For Fairy  fun they began to play
In the sweeping steps of furious fast flamenco
Pressing contact closer and closer towards the sleeping boys eyes.
Til one, perhaps braver, perhaps more foolish, perhaps both
On accident?  On purpose? perhaps both
No mistake about that
Brushed her gossamer wing against the boys nose

His eyes charged flew open.  With his vision before him, he was almost overcome. 
Surprise backward scrambling
Sudden thump of contact against the wooden railing
Dancing flames extinguished
And while the other gypsy fairies hid
Save the one who had mistakenly awakened the boy stayed
A staggered pause lasting long enough
To hear the strange creature of a boy pass a whispered “Thank you”
Before smiling, she flew away
As the boy still rubbed his eyes
Trying to figure out what he had seen

Sunday, January 12, 2014

She exists

She exists—somewhere between my head and my heart.  My head… and my heart.  Smirking she lounges long-legged.  The brilliant bustle of desert topped a distilled beauty that ignited the space.  The fire was heavy.  The fire was sullen.  It burned searing cold.  Yet she never rested.  Not really  Forever doubtful of her own beauty it was as if she disliked the smoothness of her own skin as she demanded her starving sensuality be fed with fear and loathing.  She exists—somewhere between my head and my heart.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014



It was in a cemetery where I met her.  Strange place for a meeting, I know.  The cemetery… well it was one of those old city cemeteries that although begun on the outskirts, the growing town enveloped it.  It sat now more as a silent soothsayer forever crying out to the passerby’s “Remember thou art mortal” if they would only stop and look.  But that doesn’t happen much.  It s soft words were swallowed by the droning hustle and busy traffic of the city that was much too busy. 

The grounds reflected its stasis of aging semi-neglect.  Some of the markers were tilted.  Some chipped.  Some of the graves however, were decorated and colored by flowers made out of the freshest plastic.  In a way it resembled an old folks home for all too many in our society.  Every holiday at least one family member might come, maybe, and stay just long enough to make sure Pops was doing alright.  Then with a quick hustle back to the station wagon the life of the visitor could begin again… until they again drew the short straw for the next holiday.  So it goes.       

What was I doing there then?   I was looking for places to shoot in an upcoming documentary.  The grounds were beautiful.  The grass was green, and the rolling hills made for some dramatic landscapes.  The historian in me knew that each marker was a statement.  A person—a life lived.  But what could be gained from them.  The simplest evidence the gravestones displayed was dates.  Almost all of the stones carried markings of dates of birth and death.  The earliest death date I saw was 1836.  Now some of the markers had other markings on them.   If the surviving family members had the money, the tombstone might include an epithet that summed up the importance of the person to the survivors.  Many of these messages were titles: “Beloved daughter, Master carpenter” and so on.  Indeed it was in my glancing at the dates that I came across her.

I didn’t even see her at first, she was hidden.  It was her parents, Edith and Asa Howell, that first caught my eye.  Just by looking at the gravestones, I gathered information.  From the dates, Edith was three years older than her husband Asa.  She also lived eleven years longer than he did.  Laughing to myself I was prepared to move on.  I was a busy guy, I had things to do, I had to explore, I had to… and that is when she caught my eye.  As her diminutive marker was only twelve inches high, she was easily dwarfed by the titanic markers astride her.  Yet in looking at the stone, I could almost hear her tiny cry.  She was Prudence Howell.  She was born in 1893.  She died in 1893.  Her parents would have been in their late twenties when they had her.  In bold black, simple etchings marked her life: 7 months, 11 days. 

Though she had only walked on the earth for such a brief time, Prudence so greatly touched the lives of her parents.  A tender child she must have been: a vision of hope symbolizing the love that became life.    From the surrounding graves, I have no evidence that they had other children.  Indeed, as if to recognize the impact that this tiny child had on their lives,   Asa and Edith took the time, the expense, and the heartbreak, to have engraved on the stone: Precious.

For a moment the sound of the surrounding city was silent.  Time stopped.  I could feel the vibrancy of this light that had been extinguished all too quickly continue to call.  This diminutive voice from the turn of centuries prior took grief and turned it into exaltation for life.  Go and gather ye rosebuds folks... Life is simply too precious.  

Friday, January 3, 2014

...and never forget

Music: Madonna Justify my love

The simmering heat
Our eyes meet
Knowing sideways glance

Desire driven
Boiling pace
Runners frozen
Before a race
To claim the prize
Found in the soft
Silken glide
So simmer
Her and I

Caged animals
At the gate
Measured movement
The tensioned tiny moves
Furious beauty
Furious mind
Bold enough to show
To risk
For the union
That forever is only a heartbeat distant
And as the soft slow caress

Beyond the hem of your dress
Pleasure delayed
Will never stay
Pleasure denied

The simmering heat
Our eyes would meet
Knowing sideways glance