Dreams. You remember those? Some ever flow and ever change. They can adapt. Then there are those of another fashion. The piercing dreams that lie in the
subconscious while our conscious lies to us.
One continually strives to bask in the sun while the other… well… it
casts doubt on our power, shunning our truth as it prefers the comfort of
darkness. Perhaps driven by shame,
perhaps motivated by fear it turns deaf ears to the visions desperate cry of
life. Or is it the other way around?
It matters little.
I lost my mind a few weeks
Don’t worry, I had lost my
mind before, twice to be exact. I have
this thing. My brain has two occupants
within the same house. One is a hopeless
romantic forever breathing life. The
other is a cynic filled with his cold calculations. Maybe it’s a Gemini thing, maybe it’s an Andy
thing, or maybe it’s just a human thing.
Who knows?
It matters little.
All I know is that a house
divided against itself cannot stand. The
first two crashes were complete: Catatonic. The fist break came after two years that cold
unsympathetic one known as reality. Memory
of her words, her laughter, her eyes, the trace, the promise served as a cloak
I used to wrap myself. A protected refuge
to serve against that heartless shrew known as reality. Her sharp tiny teeth ready and eager to
nibble away at your dreams until the tapestry is little more than ruined rags. Evidences against my created world would be refuted
with a laugh—a smile. Like a hopeful yet
crippled pilgrim at Lourdes desperate to be hoisted into the healing waters one
last time, or the child at Christmas who
had so longed for a gift that was so precious he told no one. He hoped that it would show. He believed it would show. Santa would know… Santa would know… but the
gift never showed up.
It matters little.
Anyway, the first time the
delusion and grandeur of the dream world had grown too great. It was a contradiction of her own words that brought
the crash about. It would have had to
have been this way. It would have had to
have come from her mouth: I probably
would have made an excuse for it anyway else.
With the hanging of the phone the crashing of my mind had begun. I don’t know if it was due to the rush of all
rising and racing, or the fact that so much was clouded in the collapse, my
brain only allowed tunnel vision. A
method of survival no doubt as my brain only allowed me to think of the next
step. That was all. But I had to see her, perhaps to seek an
answer, perhaps so that she could twist the plunge in person. Well I saw her, she was socked… and I was
informed that she had other things to do.
After a pathetic plea for one last kiss, and before my world went black,
I discovered that the dry staked soil voraciously soaks up blood pouring fresh
from an obliterated heart. Or was it
from the obliterated mind?
It matters little.
The second time I had grown,
and so had she. As both knew that some
wounds never heal, initial steps were cautious.
Rejoicing in a resumed friendship they pretended not to notice how their
hearts were made complete. And they were
happy,. Well that is until the vicious
shrew known only as reality showed that all was impossible. Yet perhaps because I am a Scot, maybe because
I’m Texan, or mainly… because I am me, there is no challenge I love more than
impossible. Impossible is only an
opinion, an option that I could not, would not take. She brought me light, she brought me life,
she made me young again… or was it whole again… ahh well…
It matters little.
Most important she gave me my voice. Like a Don Juan I wrote. Narratives, stories, poems, anything to woo
her. And it worked. Or at least she was kind enough to let me
think it worked. That was all well and
good, because regardless of which, I wrote.
She read. The pen would move and
hearts would swoon. But, as before, it
was brought to an end. This time were
the words “I want to be your friend” and I believed. I think she was being honest, but who knows…
It matters little.
So I continued to write. Either stories, or narratives. By the way… the self-serving mirth mired narratives
were horrid. Okay… well really they were
good. Combined with passion and talent, works
lamenting a lost past or a dying devotion that are usually the handiwork of beginning
authors and poets were honed to a perfection.
I could move hearts with my work.
I even moved hers. I continued to
hold out hope that she would be true and that we might remain friends. Well, then I had a talk with her. In a last moment of transparency with me I
heard th soft sigh of a piece of her dying as she told me goodbye. I should have left it at that… but I didn’t.
Anyway… it matters little.
The second time I went crazy was when I saw
her in a car with another guy. Or it
could have been the time I was totally unsuspecting to see her that I saw the
sharp angles of her face half hidden in light, half in shadow. That is when I turned mainly to poetry. I felt the narratives had little to offer. The loathing self-drudgery created in
the hoping to catch glimpse of a nirvana.
Causes laid out in the hopes that she might provide a cure. Simple formula.
Don’t believe me? All you have
to do is try to stare at the slight upturn of the pale bloodless thin lipped
Jim Jones. His eyes hidden behind the
thick black lenses of shades, he watched his believers listen to his plea and
despite the collapse of their children still cast adoring looks. Standing on ground already strewn with empty
stained paper cups, they took partook of the Guyana Kool-Aid. They provided him a narrative and he… well he
had provided them with an answer.
But perhaps this isn’t a good analogy.
But the narratives stuck one in
the past. I wanted the dreams of the
future not merely to trod on the bones of dead men again and again. So where to turn… Poetry!
Poetry is a good form as the author
can say his truth in such a way as to generalize it to an emotion all can see,
or so obscure it that he can grin like a mad hatter. But I was good. Though I may have been only writing to a
shadow while I cast my messages in a bottle to a seething sea in the hopes that
they might find their intended audience.
Maybe she read them. Maybe she
It matters little.
Anyway, to get back to the
story…Tuesday two weeks ago was when I went mad. While maybe in the past I could blame it on
her… this one was different. I knew it was me, but I didn’t know what was
the cause of my malady. I couldn’t understand
it. I had a good talk with her, I had
done nothing but listen to her. I had had
no expectations. I was glad to have her
back as a friend. But then… I spoke with
another friend later that day. He did
what I do, what some others do, heck it’s what made Columbo famous apparently
in his 70’s series. That whole trick of
keeping the most important thing until the very end of the conversation… “Oh
and one more thing.” With us it was
aobut her. A slight revelation in a
passing phrase where I picked up that she was doing to him the same exact thing
she had done to me.
It matters little.
As Sunday passed into Monday my mental sky became more overcast. My mind became clouded. My body became clumsy and erratic. My emotions became dense and confused. At first I had no idea what was going on and
it scared the heck out of me. I was in the middle of a book and I couldn’t
follow the story or think clearly of anything is when I realized that I was losing
my mind. Well when I realized that, I
knew I still had some of my mind left, so I had better think of what was
provoking my madness. It is when I realized
that my subconscious was desperate in its struggle against the advancing
offensive of my conscious. She hurt, just
as I. She felt, just as I. She was merely playing her game. For her it seemed the elation of reconnection
would slowly be overcome by the guilt of her new acceptance until the outsider
was cast out. Perhaps that is all I had
been, or perhaps I had been too true. In the end we are two desperate to avoid talking about the elephant in the room that prevents any semblance of seeing me seeing her as her and she seeing me as me.
It matters little.
For in the end, she gave me my
words, she gave me passion, she made my heart whole, and she gave me love.
And that matters a lot.
"She hurt, just as I. She felt, just as I."
ReplyDeleteThat is important to remember. You have written the most personal, the most honest doctrine of your inspiration, a declaration of your love and a reason for your insanity. I am impressed. I am disturbed, but I laud you for being true and deep and real. You need to know and you need to remember that there is much, much more to your life than this obsession. You are a great man in my eyes. You have a dynamic personality, almost impeccable character and a heart as big as Texas. I consider it a privilege and an honor to call you my best friend. And because you are my best friend and I know you so well, I repeat: There is so much more to your life than this obsession. Don't allow your muse to reduce you to mud and dead skin. "Don't let the bastards get you down!" (U2) and please remember: You are so much more than poetry and tragedy. Let the joy of God be your Aurora and the zenith of your destiny! I love you so much, Andy. My life has been so much better since you have been a part of it over the past few years. I could never imagine if your insanity would win the fight for your soul.
I know that I am more than this. I also know that she is more than all of this as well. I have to let her be real, and likewise I must be real myself. This is why my tiny descent really shocked me.
ReplyDeleteStay in shock mode!
DeleteCheck out "Piercing"