Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pirate Eyes

Bjork: Big time sensuality remix

“Prepare to be boarded”
Her pirate eyes
Softly spoke
As she drew alongside
Hoping the mist
Would hide
The glide
Of her hand
Up his arm
His glance focused
On her buccaneer smile
“For King, for country,”
He replied
As his arm
Glided across
Her swooning hips
To the currents movement
Writhing below
In an attempt
To forestall
Her pressing forces
“Prepare to be boarded”
Her pirate eyes
As she felt
His press
Pull her
Jutting attack
Soft silent
But forever forward
The seductive press
Meeting each advance
In a delicate dance
As he began to focus
On the nape
Of the neck
Of her vessel
The pressing blow
Across the bow
Meanwhile under
She felt the waters
Surrounding caress
Soft flow
Tracing down her exquisite hull
While the inextinguishable fire raged
Through the dancing
Heated lips burning with every touch
No quarter would be offered
None would be given
Now half open
Her crew could barely contain
Or refrain
From the passion of battle
In the fog of war
Her pirate eyes
Softly spoke
“Prepare to be boarded”
Before desire forced their closure