Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Two simple rules

Elvis Costello & The Attractions - Beyond Belief (Early Version)  (by the way if the song bleeds into Elvis Costello's You Little Fool... that's okay)

So what is to be said in the vulgar age that desperately searches for heroes if only to rip them down.  Especially at this hour.  Almost after 10:30.  The magic twilight that has replaced the water cooler.  Where fine and happily married Christian men and women post pics of family, or of the day.  Perhaps in honesty, or maybe a silent subterfuge calling out to another out in the darkness for one flirt, a doge, a smile, to feel young again.  To escape the mortal coil, if only for a moment. To go from the known, to what might have been.  To be wanted... if only in an illusory manner.  As long as all can imagine and agree, it works.  If only for a moment.

So what can I say.  Two things.  First: Everything changes.  The ones you know, sorry to say, they can change.  They might change.  Pressure doesn't make character, it reveals it.  The petty, the base, that which lies underneath... its all there.  Charged vows made in a moment of passion go the way of the dodo.  Can they change back?  Perhaps.  All moves.  All twists.  Some value their words, others... well let's just say not so much.  Perhaps eternal love is too much to ask for this mortal coil.  After all... They need new jeans.  Or perhaps they must go to buy leather boots.  You know the designer names.  They are so important.  More than that, they got a deal on it.  Post.... brag... the acquisition of goods trumps all, n'est pas?  Much more so than being one of character, than standing upright, than remaining outstanding when the rest of the world so desperately tries to make you fit in.  It is so much easier.  Everything changes.

The second rule is much more simple... everything is eternal.

Welcome to humanity.

Just never forget my two simple rules.

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