Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Everything now

Arcade Fire - Everything now

He used to go through the rain.  The storms.  He thought of her.

Her soul.

A soul of sadness reaching out.  No longer.  Rather... now he wished she would hear the rolling thunder, streaks of lightning racing across the sky with power... so unlimited... so filled with rage... yet holding back with contacts contained, and think of him.  The mind once enlightened can never again grow dark.  That's what he wished.


She wouldn't.

But such is life.

None of his comrades were there to support him.  Save maybe Hemingway.  At least he saw love for what it was... a temporary transient forever looking for a home.  Society would look on disgusted as he held up his sign at the intersedtions... "Homeless please help."  Each car that passed by would try to look away... Not me... Not know... he must be faking.  Way to go love.  Way to go Ernst.

He preferred you to the weak.. the submissive Neruda.  Who somehow continued to elevate.  Maybe he didn't see her pitiful form standing in the street in her bathrobe.  Why?  He was never sure.  All he knew was that he had given his last full measure.  To try perhaps the impossible... to open her eyes.  Yet they remained so tightly closed.  There was nothing he could do.  But he refused to remain the fool.

But such is life.

She is happy.  Or atleast she could pretend as much.  Walking by houses, not as good as hers.  She was better.  If one could forget about the rotten foundation.  Cracks in the wall that none could see.  Save her.  She would be blind. Blind to her own faults.  She would smile.  All was fine.  As long as one backed off.  From a distance all could appear fine.  One would never have to consider her deformed dreams.  Her porcelain face would appear perfect... from a distance.  One would have to stand back. One would have to believe in the myth.  One would have to believe... despite all evidence to the contrary.  She had won.  She was a winner.  Weekly trips to the Tom Thumb made everything seem as if everything was normal.

So she....

Could stand...

In the middle of her street...

In her bathrobe...

Evicting that....

Which was the best she ever had....


Enjoy you victory....

no matter how hollow....

You WON/...


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