Saturday, January 6, 2018

Excuse me

Foo Fighters - Times Like These

Times like these

I may not have been clear.  To the one.  The one who taught me.  But time goes on.  Sometimes you find your teachers to be false.  Those you used to call master, are now little more than equals.  Or perhaps less.  You took their lessons at face value.  You learned.  You savored the precious lessons taught... till you learned... that to them it was little more than hollow.  Miscreant words emerging from little more than a hollow mouth.  Lies so beautiful, that even they could not believe in the images.


he did.

Fool?  Perhaps.  Or perhaps the greatest holder of a notion of what was true in this cast off world.  Beliver in little more than myths.   So be it.  Others, much greater than you have tried to bring him to his knees.  Guess what?  He still stands.  So proud.  He clutched close what lessers so desperately tried to clutch from him.    Like a fool he protects it from them, yet gives to his students so freely.  Those are the ones.

They could be the ones so desperately clutching onto the little they have gained.  They could be the ones desperate to display that ignorance isn't false.  Sit back, cower, they could.  But they are my students.  They are the future.  Not the stagnant, decadent ones, glorified, ratified, satisfied with the half-lives lived.  Growing mold is not paid attention to as movement might cause disruption. 

Movement behind murky waters might cause revelation.  Might cause renaissance.  If one is to be reborn they must go through the pain.  A pain too great for her.  Her body made all too frail, all too human.  Go girl!  Burn fierce!

While you still can. 

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