Monday, August 6, 2018


Pet shop boys: West Side Story

I still remember her last words to me... "What the fuck are you doing here?"  An excellent retort to a letter delivered that said "In the end I will find the right words, and they will be simple... Thanks for being a friend."  Not sure if they were ever read.  The letter was ripped in half ever so quickly.  Ever so.   Somehow.  Someday.  Somewhere.

Love is a battle.  Love is war.  Every piece of you given is forever lost.  But for every piece you give away, a piece is taken.  That can never be forgotten.  Somehow.  Someday  Somewhere.

I never thought myself to be Tony... the leader of the Jets.  I was alway the leader of the Sharks.  Little man struggling, She was my Rita.  Rita Moreno.  Her twist... her turn.  Every move showing defiance.  Could she.... would she... the backward step into me.  So simple.  Yet... so elegant.  Somehow, someday, somewhere.

Eyes pierce though the night.  A new chapter has begun.  They will carry over... but how much.  Glorious hazel might defeat the blue.  Who will win?  The Jets?  The Sharks?  It matters little.  The play runs again, over, and over.  Well find a new way of living.  Well find a new way of forgiving.  Somehow.  Someday.  Somewhere.

Hold my hand and were half-way there.  Hold my hand and I'll take you there.

Somehow.  Someday.  Somewhere.

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