Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Raindrops fell

Miley Cyrus vs. Redfoo vs. Journey - Don't Stop Wrecking Ridiculous Ball (Djs from Mars)

Raindrops fell
Hollow rooftop strike
In sporadic
Drive of Chaos
Mirroring emotions within
Where to begin
Lenses of desire blinding
Limiting all that exists
To my seated muse
The slight lean
Joined by the slight opening
Of lips heavy with desire
As this same want
Forced her eyes to close
Knowing the burning kiss
Enflamed sacred hearts
Acutely ungainly
Steps of courtship
As my hands slight pass
Marked by the collapse
One into the other
Blinding passion
Rose only to meet
To pull
To draw
The two
Into one
The push
The pull
Longing touches
I pull you close
Your inferno smolders
The tilted heads
Jutting lean
Meets my mouth
Longing to devour
Its desire
The tantalizing trace
To your secret garden
In an inviting tread soft
While outside

Beyond the staccato
Thumping din
Raindrops fell

Monday, May 18, 2015

Desert Rose

Gypsy Kings: Pharaon

The desert rose
Steps slowly
She hides
That most treasured
Gifts of her spirit
That had slept for so long
Dormant waiting for the dawn
To rise
It ever would
Or could
Be safe
As if
She didn’t know
That he had seen
The stepping
Encroaching slip
Of the dark
Trace across her heart
He sang
The song
She had long ago forgotten
Still rang true
Her steps furitive
He waited
For the desert rose
To emerge
No longer able
To remain a bud
Almond eyes demure
Ache for his trace
As Spring
In you
The desert rose

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Succulent ripe

Beyonce vs. Eurythmics Sweet dreams djs from mars

Succulent ripe
The silken slide
Down your thigh
My heated
Kiss trace
to your gardens
Sheltered place
Where petals
Heavy dew
Greet my tracing touch
The longing
of the succulent ripe
The rise
The call
The slow slide
The closed eyes
The rising light