Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The smile

Music: Celtic Woman Nil Se 'n La

Ashen walls tried to silence
Huddled half-lit halls hushed
The stone stood
Against any advance
As it had for so long
Yet she smiled

Steps forced lethargic
On carpeted halls
That held her feet
Preventing the dance
Joy was to be a memory

Yet she smiled

She was to spend her time
In  Research
To learn more and more
About less and less
Til she was the master
Of nothing

Yet she smiled

She would not be shamed
Dour faces would
Labeled heretic
From in her slender lips
Lay the danger

Breathing life
Beauty burst
Beating back
Those that challenge
To stifle
The life
That had to burst
The harvest was ripe
From the fire that burned within
For in beauty brazen
She smiled


  1. Nice. I like it. Especially the 'till she was master of nothing.' That's how I feel most of the time...yet, I smile. :)

  2. Thanks! (and no matter what... continue to smile! :) )
